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Three Best Prenatal Yoga and Prenatal Fitness Spots in Omaha

If you’re a pregnant mama in Omaha and you’re looking to keep moving during your pregnancy- we’ve got you covered. We know how overwhelming being pregnant during Covid-19 can be, so here’s our list of Prenatal Fitness and Yoga workouts to try out. Learn more!

1. Fit4mom Omaha Southwest- Classes are taught by Marcia or Stephanie, instructors who are trained in keeping moms fit during their pregnancy, while keeping expectant mamas safe in their workout by following the ACOG guidelines. Try out a FREE class! Class focuses on cardio, strength, balance, and gets you connected with other moms in your area to start building your village and strength for motherhood.

2. Karma Yoga Omaha This is a spot for the expectant mama who really want to be one with her body. The instructors are trained in prenatal yoga and circle mamas up in a big circle, allowing for time of connection with your growing baby and other mamas.

3. FIT4MOM On Demand- Ready to move and sweat for baby, but the LIVE class times just don’t work for you? You might want to try the new FIT4MOM On Demand service. The pricing is a no brainer. Prenatal and postnatal workouts include: 10 Minute Labor Prep-Prenatal Workout, 20 Minute Prenatal Yoga Practice, and a 40 minute Full Body Conditioning Workout, amongst many others!