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Stroller Classes

Our stroller classes are for the brand new mom all the way up to the seasoned fourth child mom. It is a chance to get outside with your new baby or preschooler and get some movement in for yourself. Our workouts are not a “walk in the park” but instead a full body cardio and strength workout.

We get that your time is precious, mama. We also understand the early years go so quick and that you want to spend every extra ounce of time with your little one. Okaaaaay… maybe not! But, in all honesty, you have chosen to stay at home or you work part time and a little conversation with local moms would be nice right!? After all, talking dinner recipes with a two year old or preschool options with a one year old does not go over so good.

So, Fit4mom was created for you. Mommy gets a workout in and your little stays engaged both with the class itself and the most important person in their life- YOU. Mommy workout groups increase moms confidence, outlook on motherhood, strength, and social group.

You might be wondering, how does this work with a child who will not sit in the stroller? We can promise you that if you buckle your child in, the instructor will sing, read books, blow bubbles, and create movement for an interactive hour!